Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cherokee battle at Fort Loudoun

     In the Battle of Fort Loudoun the Chota Cherokee went to war against the French. The other soilders on their side were the British, Virgiana, and South Carolina militias. At the battle they had failed horribly due to the white mans way of fighting. The British commanders didnt take any advice from the cherokee warriors and instead of ambushing their enemy quietly, they made a noisy approach to the enemy which gave their positions away. Not only did they loose the battle but some of the British officers had been selling Cherokee warriors as if they were slaves.
     The Cherokee warriors weren't being treated fairly when they were out at war against the French. They lost not only their own people but also they lost their horses which were very important to the Cherokee warriors. The food that they were given was "skimpy rations of wormy and rotten corn." When the Cherokee had finally had enough of being treated unfairly they decided to leave. Dragging Canoe, one of the lead warriors of the Chota, and about a hundred other warriors stole horses to replace the ones that they had lost, since the British wouldn't replace the warriors horses for them.
      All the desagreements and problems had now lead to even bigger conflict between the Cherokee and the British. Ninteen warriors were killed and scalped for stealing the British soilders horses and Dragging Canoe therefore wanted to create another attack to take revenge for those who had died. The Cherokee people recieved threats from the British and this then set an opening for the French to ask for the Cherokee to help fight against the British's assult. The Cherokee had soon agreed to help the French.
    In 1760, the Cherokee had, had enough and sent out two peace treaties to South Carolina and Virginia and they went to meet with the governers of both states to conferm the peace declarations.The Fort was surrendered to the Chota cheif Oconostota. A Britsh governer didnt accept the declarations and emprisoned eight of the Cherokee peace chiefs along with Nancy. Later Nancy was released but the other cheifs were not.

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